Mary Gallery ~ District 6 ~ Westmount City Council
Re-elected to a 2nd term
November 7, 2021
Re-elected to a 2nd term
November 7, 2021
I have a strong sense of community and I'm really proud of where I live. I am fortunate to have lived most of my life in Westmount,
and I love all that our beautiful city has to offer.
Listening to you is my commitment ~
serving you continues to be my privilege.
Sustain Westmount’s Retail Vitality
Work with merchants, the community and the city to ensure Victoria Village and Greene Avenue’s commercial and retail viability.
Streamline the Municipal Permitting Process
Implement simpler and more progressive 'common sense' permitting procedures, while maintaining a commitment to our architectural heritage and legacy.
Invest in our Neighbourhoods
Continue to improve road infrastructure, traffic safety, balance dog/ bike/ pedestrian/ Seniors' needs - and maintain and protect the natural beauty and cultural centres that make Westmount such a desirable place to live and work.
Prioritize Sound Fiscal Management
Preserve the current balanced budget, keep taxes low, monitor financial resource allocation to maintain and enhance the quality and diversity of Westmount's services and programs.
Promote Sustainable Development
Maintain a vigilant, yet progressive eye to best protect our natural, residential and commercial environment for residents and merchants alike, plus the many shoppers, visitors and tourists we are attracting.
I look forward to meeting and engaging with as many of my constituents as possible, and representing you for another 4 years.
I remains committed to being accessible and responsive to your needs and concerns - and offering meaningful contributions to the collective work that makes our City one of the most desirable places to live in Montréal, in Québec, and in Canada.
. I am excited to work with the newest members of Council and getting back to work on our agenda, projects and priorities.